Why WVS?
July 22, 2024

Our goals

  • Speed up iteration and shipping.
  • Simplify team setup for game-engine-based projects.
  • Allow developers and artists to collaborate directly.
  • Leverage the power of Git and Git-based workflows.
  • Enable maximum project configuration and automation for teams.
  • Offer creators the flexibility to use their game engine of choice.
  • Create the feeling of a game studio for distributed teams around the world.
  • Provide a virtual studio for virtual teams building virtual worlds.
  • Empower teams of all sizes and help them grow.
  • Bring DevOps best practices from web development to real-time 3D development.
  • Serve game-engine-focused creators of all kinds, beyond game makers.
  • Contribute back to open-source projects and the community.
  • Create open discussion around real-time 3D and metaverse standards.

The backstory

TL;DR: We scratched our own itch.

As interactive creators with over 90 years of combined experience, we’ve been all too familiar with the pain points of developing on game engines. Pains not due to the game engines themselves, but due to all the production processes and infrastructure required around them - slow iteration times, builds breaking, on-prem servers and infrastructure, and more recently, needing to manage distributed teams across time zones

In 2020, at the height of Covid, we were facing all these challenges while shipping a massive Harry Potter VR project. We kept asking ourselves the same question: Why isn’t there an off-the-shelf solution for DevOps specifically for game and real-time 3D development?

Setting up the studio infrastructure you need for game production and real-time 3D development requires IT expertise and as the project grows, a dedicated Devops team. Moreover, managing distributed teams should, in theory, be helped by the cloud. However, getting set up for game development in the cloud is complex and expensive, making it impractical for most dev teams outside of the major studios with deep pockets.

Bottom line: We needed something better. Our entire industry and community needed something better. So we set out to build it.

WVS is a purpose-built cloud platform that makes it easier for teams to set up and organize their projects so they’re iterating faster, and feeling more productive and creative building on real-time game engines. We’ve lowered the technical bar required to set up and manage the studio infrastructure you need by providing a no-code adaptable solution that’s easily handled by a team lead.

Our mission at Wevr has always been about enabling creators around the world, whether that’s in making games, immersive experiences or real-time 3D applications. We started exploring the idea of a virtual studio back in 2012, when we launched TheBlu digital ocean simulation. The underlying platform of TheBlu enabled 3D artists around the world to create ocean species in Maya or Blender and upload the assets to the cloud, easily publishing into a live virtual world. This was the beginning of a virtual studio.

Today, game development continues to grow, UGC in games is more popular than ever, and companies across industries are creating real-time 3D virtual worlds and assets. More and more, it seems the next-generation internet is a network of interconnected real-time 3D worlds powered by game engines (aka, the metaverse).

WVS is here for all of it - a home for interactive creators and studios, big and small. Welcome. We’re excited for you to check out WVS for yourself.

Neville Spiteri, Marcel Samek, Anthony Batt

Co-founders of Wevr Virtual Studio